Sunday, December 6, 2009

Easy Self- Fringing Shawl or Scarf

Materials: one to two skeins of yarn (it depends on whether you want to make a scarf or a shawl) and needles to match gauge. Circular needles are recommended.

You should do a gauge test to see how large your project will turn out.

Directions are for scarf first, followed by shawl in parentheses.

All rows are knit in garter stitch.

Cast on 6 (7) sts.

First half- increase rows

Row 1: knit
Row 2: K1 include next st by knitting into the front and back, place marker, K4 (5)
Row 3: K4 (5), slip marker to right hand needle, K to end of row
Row 4: K to 1 st before marker, inc, slip marker, K4 (5)

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until half the yarn is used or until scarf/ shawl is half a big as you want, ending with Row 3.

Second half- decrease rows

Row 5: K to 2 sts. before marker, K2tog, slip marker, K4 (5)
Row 6: Repeat row 3

Repeat Rows 5 and 6 until 7 (8) sts. remain

Row 7: K1, K2tog, K4 (5)
Row 8: Knit
Row 9: K2tog, remove marker leaving 4 (5) unworked sts. on left-hand needle. Cut working end approx. 6 (7)' and pull through the st. just worked.

Unravel the unworked 4 (5) sts. forming the fringe. Knot fringe close to base if desired.

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