Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Reversible Rib Hat

Happy Holidays to All!

A different take on the usual beanie!

Yarn: 100g/100yd 1 skein
Stitch Marker
Nedles: size 10 1/2 double pointed needles

Hat size: small (med/large) Finished: 15 1/4" (17 1/4) circumference, 8" height


CO 65 (75) sts. Join in rnd, don't twist yarn.
Rnd 1: *P4, K1, rep from* to end, work even (rep rnd 1) to 5" from beg.

Shape Top

Rnd 1: *P3, K2tog, rep from * to end {52 (60) sts}
Rnd 2: *P3, K1, rep to end
Rep last rnd 2 more times
Rnd 5: *P2, K2tog, rep from* to end {39 (45) sts}
Rnd 6: *P2, K1, rep from * to end
Rep last rnd for 2 more times
Rnd 9: *P1, K2tog, rep from* to end {26 (30) sts}
Rnd 10: *P1, K1, rep from * to end
Rep last rnd for 2 more times
Rnd 13: *K2tog rep from * to end {13 (15) sts}
Rnd 14: K1, *K2tog, rep from * to end {7 (8) sts}
Pull yarn thru all sts to close opening, weave in ends.

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