Wednesday, December 9, 2009

PolarKnit Yarn w/ Classic Beanie Pattern

Another fun yarn in great colors and weight is from PolarKnit!

Using 2 balls of PolarKnit Chunky Weight, you can create a cute, fast and warm beanie hat!

Materials: 2 balls of PolarKnit™ (50g) -- shown in colors "Leap Frog" and "Mallard" - 1 ball of each color One set of Size 10.75 U.S. (7mm) double pointed needles.

HINT: If you knit with a very tight tension, it is recommended that you knit this pattern with Size 11 U.S. (8mm) double pointed needles. Size 10.75 U.S. (7mm) circular needles 16" long (optional)Size 11 U.S. (8mm) straight needle Stitch markers Tapestry needleAbbreviations: dpn = double pointed needles k = knit K2tog = knit two stitches together p = purl SSK = slip, slip, knit two slipped stitches together st(s) = stitch(es)

1. Using your 8mm straight needle, cast on 64 sts.
2. Transfer these sts onto either your Size 10.75 U.S. (7mm) dpn or your Size 10.75 U.S.(7mm) circular needle.
3. Begin a rib pattern of K2, P2 and continue in the round. Knit this rib pattern until your hat measures 3 inches from the cast on edge (about 18 rows).

Directions To Decrease Crown:
1. The rest of the hat will be knit in stocking stitch.
Row 1: *K1, SSK, K11, K2tog, place marker* repeat three more times. (56 sts)
Row 2: Knit row.
Row 3: Knit row.
Row 4: *K1, SSK, K9, K2tog* repeat three more times. (48 sts)
Row 5: Knit row.
Row 6: Knit row.
Row 7: *K1, SSK, K7, K2tog* repeat three more times. (40 sts)
Row 8: Knit row.
Row 9: Knit row. (Switch to dpn if you are using a circular needle.)
Row 10: *K1, SSK, K5, K2tog* repeat three more times. (32 sts)
Row 11: Knit row.
Row 12: *K1, SSK, K3, K2tog* repeat three more times. (24 sts)
Row 13: *K1, SSK, K1, K2tog* repeat three more times. (16 sts)
Row 14: *K2tog* repeat until end of row, 8 sts will remain.

2. Break yarn and thread yarn through remaining stitches. Draw tightly and secure.Finishing: Always machine wash your finished garment to rid it of residual fluff.

And if you find you like knitting with PolarKnit Yarn, check out their Mega Yarn at:

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